Well, not in spirit. In fact, I find this whole place irritating and cold. Life should be perpetually 79 degrees and served up in half a coconut shell. But I'll get to Hawaii in a few days. I'm still decompressing.
The short version is, it was 3 universes of awesome. Just so you know.
Did I mention I've been having a sale? No, no I didn't. Sorry. I was going to end the sale upon arriving home after vacation, but then I realized I hadn't actually told anyone about it. A super-secret unadvertised sale doesn't help me or anyone. Most of the smaller pieces have sold already, but there are still some nice mid-sized and larger paintings available. :o)

If you've ever wanted one of my paintings, now's the time! The truth is, I only have so many to begin with. I work slowly and don't have a huge stockpile of art, so when any one particular piece is gone, it's really gone. If you like one of them, get it now! It might never exist again. Colin always makes me promise to "paint another one" like those I've sold, if he was particularly attached to it, but I rarely do. My art takes so much time and personal investment that it's hard to want to paint something I've already invested so much emotion into a second time.

Everything is 20% off. I'm extending the sale for one more week, to give people a chance to participate. I'm happy to work out a payment plan for you, at the sale price. Payment plans are great!
Locals! Meaning, Orange County. Maybe LA or San Diego if you sweet talk me. I will drive the painting to you myself! Furthermore, I will take an extra $100 off any Original Painting, since I don't have to cover the cost of shipping. Yay!! Just let me know, and I'll adjust the listing for you before you buy. :o)

As always, 10% of all sales are donated directly to Acres of Love.
Yay!! A sale!! In my Etsy shop!! :oO