Always a very interesting place. One thing that I notice upon exiting our car is the silence. I'm sure it's simply because everyone visiting has respect for the grounds (and anyone that might be praying within the church) but it feels more intense than that. It's a powerful silence.
The church is surrounded by a beautiful cemetery, which overlooks the whole area down to the ocean when it isn't voggy and overcast. The
vog was a little depressing here. It wasn't just that it made the area cloudy and gray. The real evidence was how the leaves and flowers were all singed and brownish along the edges. Kind of weird. I could also taste it slightly in my mouth. Bleh.
The church is really neat, and the paintings inside are quite interesting, but to be honest, I really go there for the incredible gravestones. I love that picture with the bougainvillea. :o)
My favorite image is the last one. I am intrigued by the haunting, sad words on the cross set against such a gorgeous, diverse, colorful background. Really neat.
St. Benedict Roman Catholic Church
84-5140 Painted Church Road
Captain Cook, Hawaii (HI) 96704
Phone: 808-328-2227