Because of how I dry my art, I am very in tune with the weather, and have to alter my painting schedule around it. I can tell if there's more or less humidity in the air by how quickly the paint dries. I wonder if other artists do this? They must. I already know that paintings dry *much faster* in the summer heat. I try to take advantage of this while it lasts and I usually have many more paintings in process during summer. Winter isn't as helpful. I spend a lot of time standing over them, willing them to dry faster.
It has its benefits though. I generally stand there and contemplate what I want to do next, and get a feel for where I'm going with it. Otherwise, I might throw some weird color down that I decide after the fact was a huge mistake. Contemplation is good. Who knew watching paint dry could be so meditative? At least it gives me time to hula hoop.
Fortunately, it's been warmer lately. Almost spring-like, even.
Barf in the Lake is just about done. Seriously. No, I will not keep that title.
I don't know about other painters, but for sure ceramic artists need to judge the humidity. If you want to keep working on something during a nice dry period, you'd better have a spray bottle and lots of plastic bags handy for dampening and wrapping the piece between work sessions.
Ah ha. Humidity benefiting art. I knew it was possible. It certainly helps my nose and ability to breathe, if not my paint drying.
I LOVE the pic with the paintbrushes, wonderfull lighting. I put up pics of my tree mural, it's still unfinished but it's up there.
and yeah ceramics are very hard to keep wet, and then you want them to dry completely and it takes days! Artist's have excellent patience.
EXCELLENT tree mural!!!
It's beautiful. :o)
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