Early, 24x36, Sold
The show was great! I think almost everyone I know turned out for the event. I felt very supported. The feedback was amazing! I will post more pictures soon.
One of the best parts of the evening was answering the question about whether or not black light art can be considered "art" and whether or not it can stand under gallery scrutiny. I think we firmly settled that one, huh? :o)
My paintings were spread out over 2 rooms, the main front room, and the smaller room in the back, which was designated for black lights. We all agreed that no black lights were needed to show off my work, so everything up front was brilliantly bright, showing the vivid colors and textures of each piece. We did, however, have a black light flashlight available for those who wanted to see the UV color on everything in that room.
The UV room was the biggest hit. I loved it when crowds of people all piled into the smallish room to see the different lighting adjustments in action. We were able to "flip" between artificial lighting, UV lighting, and no light (for the glow) really easily, which greatly helped explain what "light reactive" means. Of course, towards the end of the evening, everyone wanted to see all the paintings under UV light, so we began swapping paintings around the windows and rooms so that each piece was able to experience its full UV glory.
Opening night sales were great and many people were very interested in coming back. It was nice to see so many people suddenly look sad when one of the paintings they were interested in sold right in front of them. Heh. ;o) At least I'm not the only one who feels an emotional attachment to a particular painting.
The gallery director told us that an opening had never gone that late before! Hooray for us. We know how to party.
This was a wonderful learning experience, of which I couldn't have gotten somewhere else. I like to think of this sort of education as Art School. I gained invaluable information, and feel more motivated to work hard than even before the show! I can't wait to see what the future brings, and I can't wait to start planning the next event. It's been quite a year so far. I have curated an Art Festival with over 30 artists and now I have participated in my own gallery show in a major art mecca.
This was just one stop. On to the next!
Shayla, your work is absolutely incredible. I'm so happy (but not surprised) that your show went well - I think you are well on your way to wonderful things! I would really love to see your work in person sometime.
Awwww, thanks Tamara! :o) Yeah, I'm pretty excited about everything. Isn't making money through art just the best thing ever???
People - check out Tamara's blog! She makes killer jewelry (of which I hope to acquire someday) and posts vegan recipes all the time! Yay!!
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