Getting Older

"You guys gotta come in here with some young animals one day and this will be easier." (says a Vet we saw over 3 years ago when we were bringing in our old cat and old dog regularly.)

Meat passed away in 2008.

I remember at the time wondering if I ever would have young animals to bring in. We see a different Vet now, one that is familiar with Joey's neverending allergy issues ("some of the worst I've seen," says his doctor.) We go in every 3 months or so. Joey is currently on a regime of ear cleanings every few days, daily eye cleanings, and weekly medicated baths to manage his allergies.

I'm writing this now simply to pass the time until I have to go meet with the Vet again, and pick up Joey, I think, where he's been getting tests all day. We drive 30 minutes to the Vet, because we've since moved, but I want to stick with his current doctor who's familiar with Joey's situation. They didn't exactly tell me he was okay, but they told me I could come in and meet with the doctor. Excellent.

Bloody noses don't bode well for a 14 year old dog.

I'll update later when I know anything. Happy thoughts, if you would. Thanks.

UPDATE: We're home. We won't know too much until the test results come back in a few days. He's sleepy and wobbly, but I think he'll feel better in the morning after he's rested. Seems in good spirits, as usual.


Jen and Bern said...

Praying for you....I know vet appts can be so hard.

Shayla Maddox said...

Thanks, Jen. I appreciate it. :o)